An Intuitive Perfume Experience

Create a perfume designed to harmonize and elevate.

Intuitive Perfumery is the alchemy of turning scent into a personal journey of self-awareness and discovery. It is a technique that involves using your sense of smell to tune into the whispers of emotions, memories and intuition. Discover which essences resonate with you and leverage their power to uplift, center and focus your energy.

Neroli flowers from the Resonance Perfume aromatic garden.


Your nose is a gateway to your intuition, dreams and subconscious mind. This unique connection gives scent influence over these special parts of your life, allowing certain scents to unlock higher thoughts and feelings.

A rose from the Resonance Perfume aromatic garden.

Customized Perfumes

Fine tune your powers of perception. Energize your creativity and sensuality. Awaken your inner strength and confidence. Restore balance through Earth’s most ancient of languages: fragrance.

Three tiers of oils demonstrating a wide range of scents used in intuitive perfumes, including roots, flowers, woods, fruits, resins, seeds, and leaves.

Oil Palette

Aromatic plants are full of vigor and spirit that resonate with our own aliveness. Relating sensitively to both human and non-human life is at the core of the oils I source.

Allie Deglomine harvests a plant from her aromatic garden to distill into scents used in intuitive perfumes.

The Artist

I’m Allie, an intuitive perfumer and botanical distiller. Join me in exploring how the sensual parts of nature can support and enhance your journey through life.

In-person and remote options

My workshop, studio and retreat are located near Yosemite National Park in Mariposa, California. I also offer remote custom perfume consultations and classes. Please see my Custom Perfumes page for more information.


Create a scent that speaks volumes without words.


“I had an unexpected, mythical experience with Allie during my custom perfume creation. I thought I understood the power of scent beforehand but I was not prepared for the potency of what unfolded during my appointment. It was during a time of deep soul searching and with Allie’s guidance, we created a beautiful perfume that directly connects me to my own inner wisdom and personal power. Each time I wear it, I am intimately reminded of my unique strengths and gifts I bring to the world.”


“…it is clear Allie has a keen intuitive sense with pairing scents together, detecting and clearing energetic blocks. It is clear she truly cares about and honors each individual and their personal journey, and hopes to help each person achieve their goals and live their best lives. I wholeheartedly wish everyone could have this experience; it can change your life and the world as a whole. Moreover, I LOVE my new scent!


Let your sense of smell guide you back home.